ECS Revised System of Rating and Reporting of Students Performance for Secondary School in Values Education
No.70, s. 1998
Revised System of Rating and Reporting of Students Performance for Secondary School
The grade of Values Education (VE) will reflect both knowledge/skills acquisition and behavior. This is based on the nature of VE which aims to develop skills for rational thinking and value judgment in order to effect behavior change in the students through experiential learning.
Using the learning competencies as basis for evaluating students performance, the grade in VE will be based on the following criteria, weighted accordingly as follows:
PERIODICAL TEST -----------------------------------------------------25%
FOLLOW-UPS (Written Outputs)----------------------------------------25%
INVOLVEMENT-------------------------------------------------------- 20%
RECITATION---------------------------------------------------------- 10%
BEHAVIOR------------------------------------------------------------ 10%
TOTAL --------------------------------------------------------------100%
Are manifestation of how well the students applies, evaluate and synthesizes the concept, ideas and views acquired from VE lessons. They come in the form of essays, report, reaction paper, critiques reflections, journal entries, individual project and other follow-up activities. Written outputs from follow-ups activities are rated using a scale assessing what level of valuing the student appears be in as seen from his/her work.
(DECS Order No. 52, s. 1989)
Refers to the students active participation in the processes /activities initiated by he teacher or the students inside or outside the classroom for value formation. Involvement inside the classroom is manifested through the role-plays, simulations, group discussions (in contrast to recitation or class discussion), games and other performance type activities. Involvement outside the classroom entails participation in group/class projects in the school and/or community (e.g. immersion in depressed communities).
For example for pupil A,